This page lists the books I’ve read recently. Occasionally I’ve also reviewed something, feel free to click through.
- Die Kunst recht zu behalten: Schopenhauer
- Siddharta: Herman Hesse
- White Noise: Don deLillo
- The Tempest: Shakespeare
- Blood Meridian: Cormac McCarthy
- The Stranger: Camus
- The Romantic Manifesto: Ayn Rand
- There is no antimemetics division: Paulo Coelho
- O Alquimista: Paulo Coelho
- Stranger in a Strange Land: Robert Heinlein
- The Law: Bastiat
- Democracy in America: Alexis de Tocqueville
- Huis clos (No Exit): Jean-Paul Sartre
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Phillip K. Dick
- Julius Caesar: William Shakespeare
- The Machiavellians: James Burnham
Book reviews
- 2024-04-09 Snow CrashNeal Stephenson
- 2024-03-29 Structure of Scientific RevolutionsThomas S. Kuhn
- 2024-03-23 Relativity & Classical Field TheoryLeonard Susskind
- 2024-03-10 Ignition! by John D. Clark
- 2024-02-25 The White PillMichael Malice
- 2024-01-14 A Fire Upon the DeepVernor Vinge
- 2024-01-14 Annotated TuringCharles Petzold & Alan Turing
- 2024-01-05 Theft of FireDevon Eriksen
- 2023-11-29 NeuromancerWilliam Gibson
- 2023-11-16 Elon MuskWalter Isaacson